- Grant authorisation to the Valuers and Estate Agents to practice in Brunei Darussalam
- Maintaining and developing standards of professional conducts and ethics of the Valuers and Estate Agents
- Assuring Continuing Professional Education to Registered Valuers and Estate Agents
To regulate the qualifications and practices of Valuers and Estate Agents in Brunei Darussalam

- To approve or reject applications for registration or to approve any such application subject to such conditions as it may consider fit to impose
- To hold disciplinary proceesdings
- To hold or cause to be held examinations of persons who desire to qualify themselves for registration as valuers or estate agents
- To recommend to the Minister the scale of fees to be charged by registered valuers and estate agents for professional advice or services rendered
- To hear and determine disputes relating to the professional conduct and ethics of valuers and estate agents or to appoint an arbirator to hear and determine any such dispute
- To regulate the professional conduct and ethics of valuers and estate agents
- To do all such acts, matters and things as it considers necessary to carry out the provisions in the Valuers and Estate Agents Order, (2009) and the Valuers and Estate Agents (Amendment) Order, (2016)